August 15, 2014

Hey y'all,

Happy Friday!  Excited the weekend is here?  Here are some things we enjoyed this week.  What have y'all been up to?  Do anything fun or exciting or maybe just something you enjoyed.  Let us know!  We'd love for you to share it with us!

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1.  The weather has been somewhat cooler.  That's always nice!  Can't wait for Fall!  The leaves are already starting to change! 


2.  Had a movie night with the sisters.  :)

3.  They just opened up a new (to us anyway) restaurant called Cookout!  Our parents went earlier in the week and really liked it so we all went yesterday.  The verdict?  AMAZING!  The food was really good, service fast, a lot of food for your money and I like the decorations.  Cookouts are only in the South though, so if you don't live in the South and you're ever in TN, NC, VA, GA, or SC you should definitely check it out.  


4.  After we ate at Cookout, we went to hear the Jeff Little trio.  They're all great musicians, but I really enjoyed Jeff Little on the piano.  He played "Last Date", by Floyd Cramer, "A Whole Lot of Shaking Going On" by Jerry Lee Lewis, Gospel, and bluegrass.  

5.  Got a couple of new books in the mail.  That always makes me happy!:)

What have you enjoyed this week?
Happy weekend y'all
SMILE, GOD LOVES YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
   The Diary of a Real Housewife


Angie said...

I'm in Kentucky and I don't think we have a Cookout's around here! I'll be sure to check it out next time I'm in TN

Theresa @ Shoestring Elegance said...

Boy you are speaking my language!! I cannot wait for Autumn!