April 28, 2014

Hey y'all,

How was your weekend?  Hopefully it was and good!  We had a good weekend.  Busy as usual, but busy is good.  Our Church is getting ready to celebrate it's 50th anniversary, so we're busy helping with that. 

Here is something Dixie made for our older sister, who is a passionate, die-hard New York Yankees fan!  Dixie painted every single thing!  Notice all of the detail?  Isn't she so creative and talented?  I'm just in awe of how much detail she was able to paint so perfectly.  I want her to make me an SF.  You know, for San Francisco Giants.  Yep.  We're divided when it comes to baseball.  We all like a different team, except my brother,  I'm slowly converting him into a SF Giants fan!  :) 

Have a great day!
SMILE, GOD LOVES YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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