"Lone Star Trail"
Darlene Franklin
"Lone Star Trail" by Darlene Franklin, is the first in a series of 6
historical fiction books called the "Texas Trails" series. The books are
centered around the Morgan family and the struggles they and the people
they meet face in mid-1800s Texas. Very well written, this book
quickly draws the reader into the series. Even if you aren't normally
into historical fiction, "Lone Star Trail" is written in such a way that
it's easy to identify with the characters and relate to their trials
and struggles. Though we don't face the same types of challenges in
today's society, the human spirit of blazing your own trail and
providing a safe place for your family remains the same.
The Fleisher's have just moved to Texas all the way from Germany. They had a rough trip and all of them didn't make it. When they first encounter Texans, the one's they meet aren't that hospitable, well the man wasn't anyway. This not so hospitable Texan, Jud, ends up being their neighbor.
Jud isn't always rude, just to Germans. He doesn't like that they're coming in and taking over his Texas. The Texas his dad died fighting for.
Mrs. Morgan and Marion, Jud's mom and sister, take to the Fleisher's and want to help them. So Jud gives in and hires Wande and Georg. This forms a lasting friendship between the two family's, but Jud still has a lot of warming up to do.
Marion and Wande become like sisters and Marion teaches Wande English. Mrs. Morgan teaches Wande how to cook Texas style and Wande teaches Mrs. Morgan how to cook German food.
Jud can't help but admire Wande's character. Especially after she finds out her fiance has married someone else. She still continues her duties and works with a cheerful countenance.
The Fleisher's haven't made friends with everyone in Texas though. Someone keeps sabotaging their farm. At first Jud just thinks that they're careless and don't know much about farming, but then he investigates and finds out someone is sabotaging them. But who and why?
Jud eventually warms up to the Fleisher's and especially Wande. But it might too late. She suffered severe burns trying to help her family safe their house and farm from a fire that someone set.
I was excited about this book, but was disappointed. It started off with adventure, but then it dragged until the end of the book, when it just ended. I realize that when people began settling in America they faced hardships, but I think the Fleisher's had more than their share. After all, it is fiction so things can turn out better than they really do.
Read more about the book here.
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