June 6, 2014

The Heart’s Pursuit 
"The Heart's Pursuit
Robin Lee Hatcher

Silver is desperate to get the money back her ex-fiance stole from her family and restore her good name.  Her stepmother feel's Silver has disgraced the family enough and is sending her to live with Silver's stepsister for a while.   Silver, on the other hand, has other plans and doesn't go to her sisters, but rather meets up with a bounty to track down the man her stole her heart and her money.

Jared doesn't know how to turn Silver down, since she is very insistent of tagging along.  He's not use to traveling with other people, let alone with a woman.  He's been searching for the same man for years and he just knows he's getting closer.  He's not going to let the man who destroyed his family get away.  

They take off together not as friends by any means, more like business partners.  But with time, they seem to feel a connection.

This is the first book that I've read by Robin Lee Hatcher and it won't be my last!  I thoroughly enjoyed this book!  Filled with action, suspense, cowboys, gunfights, brawls and some romance, this book is a hit!  I was not able to put it down.  I was far from disappointed.  :)

Read more about the book here


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