May 16, 2015

Heart Sisters 
"Heart Sisters"
Natalie Chambers Snapp

Heart Sisters is for women who want to both be and have better friends and want a helpful guide to take them through the process.
Author Natalie Chambers Snapp uses her own and others’ stories of successes and failures to illustrate what she has learned about girlfriend relationships. Healthy boundaries, honesty, tact, sharing, and agape love all play a part in being and maintaining a circle of close confidants. She also deals with the inevitable challenges that face many relationships including how to handle conflict; life changes like a new baby, move or divorce; and when it is right to “break-up” with your friend.
Discussion questions, space to journal, photos, and quick interviews of healthy female friendships are included within each chapter.

This book seemed liked it was going to be helpful and useful.  You don't see many books written about this topic but that doesn't mean that it isn't needed.  

However, within the first few chapters I was thoroughly confused.  The sentences weren't constructed properly and the topics didn't seem to fit.  Also, the author seemed to repeat herself.    

I believe the author had good intentions with this book and while it may help some, it was a bit lacking for me.  It also would have been more understandable if she would have just used the KJB.

Read more about the book here.


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